Our focus is on Topological Quantum Matter and driven systems. Our test ground are mostly two-dimensional materials and topological insulators.
Following my appointment at the University of Chile in 2016, the present team is a continuation of Nanocarbon@FaMAF, our earlier workgroup at the University of Córdoba (FAMAF-UNC, Argentina), which was active between 2009 and 2015.
- Luis E. F. Foa Torres.
- José Mella Riquelme (Postdoctoral Fellow FondeCyT)
- Edgar Barriga (Doctoral Fellow CONICyT)
- Gabriel O'Ryan (Magister student)
- Lucas González (Magister student)
- Claudia San Martín (Magister student)
Former members
- Esteban Rodríguez Mena (Doctoral Fellow CONICyT, he then went for a postdoc at CEA-Grenoble)
- Joaquín Medina (Magister student, he is doing his PhD at ICN2/UAB, Barcelona)
- Rocío González Meza (Magister student, she is now doing a PhD at Johns Hopkins University)
- José Chesta López (Magister student, he is doing his PhD at the University of Chile).
- Matías Berdakin (Postdoctoral Fellow FondeCyT, he then got a position at CONICET (Argentina)).
- José Eduardo Barrios Vargas (Postdoctoral Fellow FondeCyT, he then went for a professor position at UNAM, Mexico).
- Virginia Dal Lago (PhD student, thesis defended on October 2017, she is now a Senior Data Scientist at MercadoLibre).
- Pablo M. Pérez Piskunow (PhD student, thesis defended on December 2015, then moved to TU-Delft for a postdoctoral stay and now works at ICN2 in Barcelona).*
- Lucas H. Ingaramo (PhD student, thesis defended on September 2016, then moved to software industry).*
- Ma. Victoria Bracamonte (postdoc, then went to University of Trieste under the TRIL program, she is now a permanent researcher at CONICET, Argentina)**.
- Hernán L. Calvo (postdoc, then went for two postdoctoral stays in Germany (RWTH Aachen and Jülich FZ), he is now a permanent researcher at CONICET, Argentina)**.
(*) Lucas and Pablo also did their Licenciatura thesis earlier in our team.
(**) I also served as advisor of Victoria and Hernán while they were Assistant Researchers at CONICET.